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Here are questions we’ve covered so far, with recordings to each of our calls available inside of the membership.
June 2019
One thing I would love to talk about is ‘go to market’ strategy…. to discuss what type of tactics folks found successful 90 days, 60 days, 30 days out from launch. Thinking about how we build momentum as we FINALLY!!! get close to actually opening.
Can you talk about strategy for targeting and differentiation in a very small market? We are un an urban population of approx 100k. I have three targets– remote workers, solopreneurs/consultants. & small non-profits. I’m hesitant to focus on one target because the market just isn’t big enough. Would love to hear thoughts on this!
Any successful strategies for getting (or maintaining) business in the summer? We slow down a lot every year. Have tried various promotions but nothing seems to work.
May 2019
I’m discovering that I’m missing a key piece of what leads are expecting: childcare. I’ve tried hard to communicate that it’s Family Work-and-Play, but I keep getting the question “is childcare included”. I can’t add childcare because I don’t have the funds, licensing or staff for that.
So, somehow I need to turn my leads’ thinking on its head and give them a new perspective. Tips on how to educate?
We really want to build up our virtual mail program. We feel like there is a lot of room to grow there. Any tips or suggestions there? We have not done a lot of marketing for this.
Has anyone had any success with LinkedIn ads? We currently do not pay for LinkedIn. We have heard the ads can be pretty effective for conference rooms. Any experience here?
April 2019
Something that I’ve been thinking about lately is the ‘welcome’ process for new members into your space. I know that is SUPER far down the funnel but I feel like that is the last specific action to move someone from prospect to full blown member. Obviously welcome email with details on the space makes sense, but curious if anyone has done anything creative to really make people feel welcome in your space. Look forward to catching up soon! [Timestamp 00:45]
Ideas for improving “book a tour” page– I can see in analytics that a lot of people land on our tour booking page and don’t actually book. I have some ideas for improving it, but I would love some help. [Timestamp 18:35]
We are doing ok with meeting room bookings, but we still have a lot of room for growth. We have run ads, and not really seen much from the ads. We are also using third party booking platforms, but see very little traffic there either. Would love suggestions on how to increase traffic in conference rooms. [Timestamp 33:06]
March 2019
I keep hearing over and over again about giving away white papers, webinars, free reports, etc. as a marketing tool to build trust and capture leads. I’ve always felt this wasn’t super relevant to the coworking world… but I’d love to hear if you have any examples of when this worked for someone? Or ideas? For someone who isn’t quite ready to come in for a tour, what could the giveaway be? [Timestamp 00:17]
Planning my launch: ideally, I’d like to have a soft launch for VIP guests and influencers, a grand opening party for the public and a grand opening week with one fun thing each day after that party. But I’m beginning to realize how expensive it’s going to be. But I also see it as marketing dollars. Does it make more sense to spend those dollars impressing warm leads and influencers or on ads and promos aimed at cold leads (like IG and Google ads)? [Timestamp 13:40]
Should your pre-launch pricing be a discount or smaller dollar amount (which will go higher after launch)? [Timestamp 17:39]
Should you give founding members a lifetime discount? [Timestamp 19:21]
How do you suggest handling raising prices? What kind of communication? How often and how soon? [Timestamp 39:44]
How often would you say is a healthy amount to raise your prices – every year, every six months? [Timestamp 44:38]
Other topics we discussed:
- How to get your content syndicated on large publications like Huffington Post and Forbes
- Some great CRM examples people are using for their space
February 2019:
Events, what are some topics that are working for people, and how best are you marketing those events to the public? [Timestamp: 03:00]
- Should you give away your event space free to get people in the door?
- What kind of events get the best results?
- How do you create events that you don’t need to promote yourself?
- Where to publish, manage, and promote your events online.
Would love to know best practices for maintaining & managing email lists. When (if ever) do you get rid of inactive subscribers, or ideas for re-engaging people? For reference we have a list of about 1,000 subscribers, roughly a third of which actually ever open anything. [Timestamp: 00:32:08]
- Creating content that your members/target market would want to read.
- How to re-engage “dead” leads via email.
- How to market to people who attend events at your space.
- Should you automatically add people to your mailing list after a tour?
How do you track and measure all of your analytics? I currently just have a KPI tracker spreadsheet (that I created) on google drive, but I have not yet added in data tracking from my google analytic goals. And there are just so many data points to track and then the need to look at it in a way that gives you a good picture of what is going on. [Timestamp: 00:46:41]
- Where do our leads come from?
- What are the results of our Facebook/Instagram ads?
- Is your search engine traffic growing or decreasing?
- Difference between Users, Sessions, Pageviews
- How long are people spending on the site?
- How many visitors are “bouncing” after visiting one page
- Difference between Users, Sessions, Pageviews
- What blog posts/pages are the most popular?
- What pages they visit most on the website.
- How to track the results of any campaign you do.
- And much more!
BONUS: KPI Template in Google Sheets + Video Walkthrough
Get access to a KPI template I created in Google Sheets (with video walk-through). [Timestamp: 01:12:00]
January 2019
I was thinking about trying some traditional advertising in local newspapers, magazines, etc. Do you think there’s value in this? If so, how would I approach them?
I’m shopping around for a new CRM and would love to know some recommendations, as well as general recommendations for marketing SaaS. I’m spending a ton on SaaS every month, between email, crm, Zapier, appointment scheduling, chat, etc. and trying to find better multi-use tools so I can consolidate and simplify things
I would love to know more about goal setting in google analytics and how to really optimize this!
I would be interested to hear if others have had success with Instagram ads. Social has been an interesting channel for us so far as we build out (nice place to post progress pics, etc…), but we are at the point that I think I want to do some more targeted ads to my geographic area. Curious what has/hasn’t worked for others.
How can I best prepare myself to track KPIs and determine customer lifetime, etc? In other words, what should I be tracking from before launch and how? If anyone has a Sheet template or free software recommendation to share that would be great!
Focusing on Google Adwords:
- Should we hire a consultant (like you recommended on Jamie’s podcast), what should we look for in a consultant?
- What are the best practices to lead that process (ie find best consultant, be in the weeds, etc)
- With a limited budget, should we even allocate money to google adwords or should we allocate to more creative marketing (things that Wework and Regus won’t/can’t do). Ideas here: 1) focus on influencers — delighting them in some way.
What else should we be doing that is outside of the box—and trackable—that companies like WeWork can’t do at scale?
Should I should ramp up ad spend or work on my website first?
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